Primary 4 classes (Mr Kernan and Mrs Monaghan) put together an assembly to celebrate Italy and their Italian. Rosa has been teaching all our classes Italian and we all love it.
Mr Kernan’s class enjoyed all the dinosaur activities as part of their Dinosaur topic.
Meet the Eco school children as they take you around and show you our amazing school and what is has to offer.
We all enjoyed world book day ( 2nd March 2023)
Mr Kernan’s P4 class put together an assembly to get us all in the mood for the World Cup in Qatar.
On Thursday 23rd February P4 went to the Armagh planetarium to help us to learn all about space.
Primary 4 went to visit the Ulster Museum to learn about fossils and dinosaurs (September 2022).
Both Primary 4 classes enjoyed a trip to Divis and the Black Mountain to learn about our place in space. Needless to say the trip was out of this world!
Congratulations to all the Primary 4 children who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday 14th May, 2022.
Primary 4 have been learning all about the Gruffalo and they created their own version with some new interesting characters.
Congratulations to all the P4 children who made their First Holy Communion on 27th May 2021.
Primary 4 children were evacuated to Castleward but arrived home safely!
Primary 4 made their First Holy Communion on 18th May 2019. Thank you to everyone who helped them to prepare for this day.
Primary 4 children have been evacuated to Castle Ward!
Mr Kernan’s P4 class have been learning all about tasty fractions while at home. They wanted to do a video and just couldn’t ‘Let it go!’
Mr Kernan’s class have been learning to bake while staying at home.
The P4 classes (2019-2020) have been preparing really well all year for their First Holy Communion. We know it won’t happen on the date we had planned but we all look forward to the day it will happen for them. Until then we just want everyone to stay safe and well.
P4 children have been drawing rainbows to put a smile on faces and to thank all our NHS staff and carers.
Mr Kernan's P4 class made their own internet safety video. Look out for celebrity appearances from Mr Curlett and Spiderman!
Mr McCambridge's P6/7 Class award winning video for the EA/C2K internet safety video competition.
P6 created a fantastic video about Internet Safety. They spoke about how to be safe online and what steps to take to be safe. They realised how easy it would be to find out so much information about someone online. Well done P6 👍📱✅
St Colman's launch their own News Channel - STCN! Mr Kernan's class have been learning all about communication and buddy chat and discussing different ways to help the many people who have speech, language and communication difficulties.
An early rehearsal for the P4 communication assembly. You should watch the STCN news video as well.
Mr Kernan's class made a video about languages for their class assembly
P4 children have been learning Spanish and all about Spain.
Our choir were learning to sing silent night in Spanish and Irish.